Sunday, February 15, 2009

Coming soon: sample characters.

I'm going to burn up some sample characters over the next few days. Using them won't be compulsory, but I'll do my best to make them interesting, and if you want to use them, you're welcome to. Remember, a freshly-burned character is a starting point, and where he develops is your choice...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

System change, no setting changes yet.

After careful consideration, I'm moving system. What this means is simple: you still get to be awesome, just with buckets of d6s rather than sets of polyhedra.

The new system is Burning Wheel. If you want to, you can grab a copy. I'm likely to start with basic mechanics and bring in the more complex and awesome stuff as things progress.

Friday, February 13, 2009

In case anyone's still reading...

I'll be at DunDraCon this weekend.